Director Identification Number Reminder

If you are currently a company director, you must  apply for your director ID number before 30 November 2022 to avoid severe penalties.

It is a criminal offence if you do not apply on time. ASIC is responsible for enforcing Director ID offences set out in the Corporations Act 2001.

In an important relaxing of requirements it has been recently announced  that Directors who have resigned from their position prior to 1st December 2022 will be exempt from the Director ID requirement.

Previously if you were a director on or before 31 October 2022, you needed to apply for a Director ID number even if you had resigned and never planned to become a director again.

However, if these persons were to take up a directorship on or after 1st December 2022, they would be required to apply for a director ID number.

Application for a Director ID must be made personally by the Director preferably using MyGov or failing that by mail. Our office can help but cannot  make the application on behalf of the director.